Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Ice Crystal

I usually don't postprocess blog pictures that much, but in this case some kind of inspiration took over.
Alia Baroque of Fallen Gods Inc kindly dropped on me an amazing creation, Ice Crystal, that I'm sharing with you here today.
Ice Crystal comes in both male and female versions, with tattoo layer make up and several wearing options for the outfit. Charming, sensual and eerie, besides being simply amazing to look at, it's also a great inspiration for your roleplay characters. Thank you, Alia! 

Skin: Fallen Gods Inc - Crystal xx ICE Opal Natural - 990L each, 2200L the row.
Outfit: Fallen Gods Inc - Ice Crystal Female Outfit - 500L

(Full size on Flickr) 

Ice Crystal - Fallen Gods Inc

Ice Crystal - Fallen Gods Inc - Closer

Other credits: 
Hair: Magika
Eyes: Poetic Colors
Poses: Everglow, WetCat

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