Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Jack White III

This post is all about the talented and stunning 
Mr. Jack White III! Jack White hails from Detroit, Michigan. He has been in various bands but his most commercially successful musical ventures include The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, and The Dead Weather. Jack White is also the owner of Third Man Records, in Nashville, Tennessee. But this post is not going to be the complete history of Jack White, it is in fact going to be about his ever changing style!

Jack White changes his style 
very frequently so I'm going to give you 
"Jack White's Top 4 Looks"
(in my opinion)! Enjoy!

Look 1

This is the style Jack took on when The White Stripes released their fourth studio album "Elephant".

This is a western/cowboy style that we see, with the fringe and needlework pattern. And of course during this time Jack stuck to the White Stripes signature colors, 
red and white!  

Look 2

This look is one that Jack acquired when the White Stripes released there sixth and last album together "Icky Thump". Originally I assumed this styles was heavily Spanish influenced,considering the contents of the album. But I have been informed that it is actually styled like the Pearly King and Queens and if you look closely you will notice that the clothes aren't beaded but in fact it is buttons stitched on.

Look 3

This look takes on a more modern, casual western mixed with an 1800s  style. This is personally my favorite Jack White style!

Look 4

This is one of Jack's most current styles, which I must say his goatee gives me major "Get Behind Me Satan" flash backs! This style Is dark and bit mysterious, it has a very vileness, dark look. Also in these pictures he reminds me of V in 
"V for Vendetta".


Get Behind Me Satan, 2005

This concludes "Jack White's Top 4 Styles"! 
I hope you enjoyed reading it 
and looking at Jack's different styles as much as I did! If you  want to listen to any of 
Jack White's bands here are links
(you wont regret it)!

Also give this link a click and check out  

Keep Rockin' and Rollin',

- Miss Youngblood

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