Kamis, 05 April 2012

Longing For Spring

After the endless work for Fashion For Life, I'm here again to catch up with the great fashion events of this crazy world!

I totally fell in love with a cute outfit by Mimikri, offered at 70L only at The Dressing Room Blue. I matched it with one of the most recent Al Vulo! faces, Leilani, and with the beautiful bandana MESH hairstyle, Lola from Wasabi Pills. Have a look!

Skin: Al Vulo! - Leilani (milk) - 800L 
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Lola MESH hair - 250L 
Outfit: Mimikri @ TDR Blue - Tahnee Khaki  - 70L 

Al Vulo Leilani - Wasabi Pills - Mimikri TDR

Here's a chart of the six Leilani's main make ups, but there are many more coming on tattoo layer, as well as eyebrows and freckles options. The skin is shown in the milk tone, cacoa and sunkissed available too. Don't miss the group gift, a special Leilani make up in the sunkissed shade.

Al Vulo - Leilani Milk

Other credits: 
Eyes: Poetic Colors
Lashes: Miamai
Jewelry: League
Pose: Glitterati

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