Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Culture Shock 2012 - GizzA - BlackLiquid

This is probably my last post about Culture Shock 2012, which is ending on May the 26th, unless a miracle happens and I find enough time to blog something else.
As usual, donation proceeds are going to Doctors Without Borders and you can find all the info on the CHIC management website, together with the direct slurs, in case mine didn't work.

Dress: GizzA @ Culture Shock 2012Dance in the Wind [Pearl] - 600L, 50% donation
Hood: BlackLiquid @ Culture Shock 2012 - Silver Lace Hood - 200L, 50% donation

Culture Shock 2012 - Gizza - BlackLiquid

Other Credits: 
Skin: the.oBscene
Hairbase: Wasabi Pills
Eyes: Poetic Colors
Lashes: Miamai
Nails: je suis...
Pose: Glitterati

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